Zojirushi Archive

Zojirushi BB-PDC20 Review

Zojirushi is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2018, so what better way to celebrate than to release a new bread machine? Following the recent release of the Zojirushi BB-SSC10 “Home Bakery Maestro”, which is their new bread machine for smaller households, we’re excited to take a look now at the new Zojirushi BB-PDC20 “Virtuoso Plus”

Zojirushi BB-SSC10 Review

It has been a while since we last saw Zojirushi release a new bread machine. If you are a single person, couple, or small family wanting to bake fresh loaves of bread that’s just the perfect size for you, we want to tell you about the new Zojirushi BB-SSC10 Home Bakery Maestro. For a long

Zojirushi BB-HAC10 Review

Update: Zojirushi has made a new 1-pound bread maker. Check out our review of the Zojirushi BB-SSC10. Baking bread doesn’t have to seem like a waste for singles and smaller families. Especially not with the Zojirushi BB-HAC10 bread machine. Whether you find yourself buying loaves of bread from the store and throwing half of it

Zojirushi BB-CEC20 Review

With the nickname Home Bakery Supreme, is there anything the Zojirushi can’t do? Zojirushi is the king of bread machine brands and its BB-CEC20 is the king of bread machine models. Just like its brother the Zojirushi BB-PAC20, the stainless steel bread machine features a plethora of pre-programmed settings, highly customizable rise, knead, and bake

Zojirushi BB-PAC20 Review

Update: There is a newer model of this bread machine called the Zojirushi BB-PDC20 Virtuoso Plus. The Zojirushi BB-PAC20 bread machine is for serious bakers. It has almost every feature imaginable in today’s bread machines and is put together with quality materials. Although Zojirushi is a Japanese company, don’t be surprised to find it as