How To Make Bread Machine Pizza Dough
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Among the many things that you can make using a bread machine, pizza dough is one of the popular choices. Besides bread, manufacturers say that dough is the second most-made item. Today, we show you how simple and helpful it is to make pizza dough in a bread machine.
As usual, you’ll have to gather the ingredients. The ingredients you’ll need for one batch are: 1 teaspoon of yeast, 500 grams of all-purpose flour, 2 teaspoons of sugar, and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, and 300 ml of water. This will make two large pizzas.
Each bread machine usually comes with a recipe book that has its own recipe for pizza dough. The ingredients and order in which you add the ingredients may differ between machines, so it’s best to check your own model and add the ingredients as specified.
After you add the ingredients into the baking pan, you just pop it into your machine and it will bring the dough together. Push the “dough” or “pizza dough” setting on your machine. MAKE SURE that you do not press any of the bread settings because it will start to bake. It will only take about 30-40 minutes.
Once the cycle ends, take your pizza dough out of the pan and divide it in half (or quarters if you wish to make smaller pizzas). You don’t have to divide it if you wish to make one large party size pizza. Shape the dough into balls and cover with a damp cloth to allow it to rest for 20 minutes. Once the dough has rested, flour the surface of your counter and hands and start rolling the dough out. Then drizzle your baking pan with oil before laying the pizza dough on top. This will make the bottom nice and crispy. Add your favorite ingredients and you’re ready to bake!
With a bread machine, you can make fresh pizza from scratch in under an hour. This is a fantastic way to prepare a fresh, healthy meal. It’s also why many people buy a bread machine just to make pizza dough even if they don’t plan to make bread. Needless to say, having the bread machine do most of the heavy lifting is super helpful!